Last Friday we bought a Nintendo Wii, which included 2 Wii remotes and Nunchuks, 5 games and a sensor bar. We also bought 9 extra games and a Wii tennis racket, baseball bat and golf club. It is a lot of fun to play and you get lots of exercise which 5 of the games. The rest challenge you brain. Some of the games are tennis, baseball, bowling, golf and boxing. My skill level is about 750, my brothers is 510, my moms is 600, my dads is 370. There is also and extra training and Wii fitness game. On the training one it teaches you how to play the games. On the Wii fitness you take a test and it says your fitness age. With 20 being the best and 80 being the worst my age was 35. My brain age is 69 TERRIBLE!!! Please fell free to comment on NATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!