Canada Goose Common Adult Laying Eggs
This morning I went birding with my dad at Lynde Shores Conservation Area. As we drove there we saw a Great Blue Heron and a small white bird flying over a pond. Then we parked, paid and started birding. First I saw a Blue Jay and a Northern Cardinal, then we walked to the pond. That "small white bird" was a Bufflehead, it was away from the rest of the waterfowl, foraging by itself. Then a Canada Goose came begging us for food, of course we didn't give it any, but it was funny! The place was filled with Red-winged Blackbirds singing "ok-a-reeeee" and displaying, but I still haven't seen a female Red-winged Blackbird this year, interesting. Anyway, next we went to the "Cranberry Marsh", there I heard a loud "chip" from a Least Chipmunk. Next Black-capped Chickadees came begging us for food, but we didn't have any seeds so we walked on. When we came to the marsh habitat I heard a bird singing "drink your teeeeeeeeee" from a low bush, then the bird came out, it was a Eastern Towhee. Then robins, sparrows and goldfinches filled the place with music for about 30 minutes. Then we saw an injured White-tailed Deer on the trail in front of us walk away. It appeared to be starving and shot several times. Then we went back through the field to the forest and we saw Swainson's Thrushes go in a brush pile, I was very excited because I never saw them before. Although I may have in New Brunswick when we went camping there last July. Mom, said she would prepare a breakfast soon, so we went home and discussed all the birds we saw.
Total Names of Birds Seen:
Canada Goose (5)
Mute Swan (2)
Mallard (9)
Bufflehead (1, Check for 2009)
Great Blue Heron (1)
Killdeer (1)
Ring-billed Gull (17)
Mourning Dove (3)
Downy Woodpecker (1)
Blue Jay (16)
American Crow (2)
Black-capped Chickadee (52)
White-breasted Nuthatch (3)
Brown Creeper (2)
Swainson's Thrush (3, Check for Life List)
American Robin (23)
European Starling (29)
Eastern Towhee (5, Check for 2009)
American Tree Sparrow (2)
Field Sparrow (1, Check for 2009)
Fox Sparrow (4, Check for 2009)
Song Sparrow (17)
White-throated Sparrow (1)
Dark-eyed Junco (2)
Northern Cardinal (11)
Red-wined Blackbird (78)
Common Grackle (50)
American Goldfinch (6)
House Sparrow (1)
Total Number of Birds Seen: 29 species