Today after school I went birding in my backyard and stayed for 3 hours straight! Here's how it all started. I had just came home from school and I took my dog for a walk and I heard Blue Jays calling. Then when I came home I left Max inside and went in the backyard. I saw Mourning Doves eating out of the feeder and a Common Grackle singing. Then the Mourning Doves did a courtship display on the fence... and did what mon@rch calls "you know what". Uhhgg! I left that spot immediately so I didn't have to see it. They stopped doing "you know what" and went back to feeding again. Soon House Sparrows came to join the feeding frenzy and they all where having a good time until a squirrel came. As soon as came it did a "begging" stand as if it was a dog. Then it ate some seed and stared a the doves right against the cedar edge. After that a House Sparrow pair came to an abandoned American Robin nest in the open and started building to it. Then about a dozen House Sparrow pairs came and each of them prearranged the twigs there own way. Then the first pair came back and took some twigs from it and so did the other dozen pairs. But I soon turned my attention to the Song Sparrows and Northern Cardinals singing out in the distance. I tried to find them but they were in a dense coniferous tree so I couldn't spot them. Anyway, they were soon mimicked by a European Starling. But with various whistles. Then a American Robin came calling and singing loudly. It stayed on the tree for a while then it left. So all the other birds began feeding again and some juncos came to feed also. It was about 7 o'clock then so I went inside.