Today my cousin Ruth and I went birding and saw many birds and animals. Including hard to find species like a pintail and a Praying Mantis, but I'll talk about that later.
First I got all ready for birdwatching and packed some snacks, then my cousin Ruth came and picked me up. She drove me to a neighbourly famous swamp. We walked down there where a few pairs of Mallards and what Ruth thought was a female Wood Duck. Then we got back in the van and drove to they other side of the swamp, there I spotted the pintails. I took several pictures of them but only posted one on this blog.
Then we drove off to another Grand River Trail. Here it was blazing hot so we didn't stay very long but still saw a fair amount of birds.
After that we had a snack and went to a place Ruth goes to often. It was 8km. but we only walked a short distance. I saw many critters and small animals there including Praying Mantis's! All of a sudden many bikes came riding by us so we went off the trail and almost steped on a Garder Snake which slittered away so fast that I could'nt take a picture of it. So we continued walking and saw a few signs about Global Warming. As we walked tons of species of grasshoppers suddenly started hopping on our legs. We then turned around and saw many butterflies inluding Swallowtails. But it was so hot that we had to go home.
I had a great time!
Thank you Cousin Ruth.
I had so much fun birding with you today! We will have to do it again soon. You are very observant. Maybe we will find those Wood Ducks again. I went back this afternoon and couldn't see any. Boy, was it hot at the swamp at 3PM!
I had a lot of fun with you too. Maybe next time we will spot the Wood Ducks. Thanks again
Wow! You take really good pictures! :)
I'm glad you and mom had a great time. Would you want to work with animals someday?
Hey birdman - what a wonderful birding time you two had! Love all those photos! Keep up the great post!
Hi Birdman, you and Ruth are a good pair - you can teach each other!
Your photos are very good. Too bad it was blazing hot!
This is your cousin in the UAE, Ruth's brother Nathan.
I will have to send you photos of the flamingos when they come here in the winter.
I used to hike up and down the Don Valley ravines looking at nature too.
Ask Ruth about my snake collecting :)
Hi Birdman - I'm glad to see you and Ruth had fun together. It sounds like I could learn some things about birds from you. I like your blog, too. Keep up the good work!
The becka- Ya, I want to be a veterinarian
mon@rch- Thank you
mary- Ya, I like to bird with ruth. It was really too bad that it was hot.
sand land dad- Wow I think that would be neat to see flamingos
mary c- You can ask any question you want about birds and I will try to answer
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