This afternoon after church I went birding in my back yard. I sat down and waited for about 10 minutes. Then a House Sparrow came calling chep chep chep. Soon more came but they were all hiding in a dense Cedar Tree. But soon enough they came to the feeders and I got some shots of them throwing seed and displaying. Later a Song Sparrow came looking for seed, I got a fantastic shot of it perched on a log. Then another one came but Jesse came screaming in the back yard. I can't blame him if he wants to have a little fun though. I just wish he would have screamed after the Song Sparrows left, oh well. Then my dad came telling us we were going to the park soon. So I got ready and packed my camera. After we arrived at the park I took my dog for a run and played with Jesse. After about 30 minutes of playing we went birding at a forest edge nearby. As we walked in I watched two very aggressive squirrels fight, then they each retreated to their nest cavity. After that I saw a Northern Cardinal fly up to its nest and was silent. After walking for a bit I heard a Ruffed Grouse "drumming" and what could be a Hairy Woodpecker "drilling" a cavity in a tree. Then we went back to the park and played soccer. But soon it was 4:00 p.m. so we left and I went back to birding in the back yard. I saw a adult male robin displaying which scared all the birds. Accept its mate which soon came and the male left. Then it followed, and I heard whit-tew, whit-tew. So I searched for a cardinal and I soon found it. It was in the neighbours yard. I got some shots of it and went inside to have super.
Upcoming Events: May 16-19; Point Pelee National Park Trip
June 20th; Moving to Kitchener, Ontario
So you are moving to Kitchener in June! Exciting!
Excellent post Birdman. I hope you and your dad are able to start developing a bird sanctuary when you move to Kitchener.
ruth-Yes, I am moving to Kitchener in June. I find it exciting too!
omalois-Thank you, we will try to develope a bird sanctuary in Kitchener once we move there.
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