This morning I woke up and found sparrows feeding on my platform feeder, then my dad came down and we went to River Bank Trail. On the way there my dad had drove into a dead end and was just about to turn around until I said "Stop, look". A silhouette of a bird that had a plump body and a short tail was perched in a tree nearby, so I got the binoculars and looked at it. It was a meadowlark, I had realised that I had seen that same silhouette earlier before so that wasn't the only one I saw. There must a lot of meadowlarks in the neighbourhood. My dad and I were very excited but it flew away before I could get a picture of it and it didn't sing so it is was very difficult to identify what type it was, it was an eastern because of the white malar. Anyway my dad kept driving and as soon as we arrived there someone started walking their dog. They didn't even clean up after it! We let them walk ahead of us. We sat down preparing for a hike, we entered the meadow part, there was a Purple Finch and a Brown Thrasher which was of course "thrashing" leaves under a bush. Next we walked under a canopy forest, Northern Parulas and Black-throated Blue Warblers were singing. Also, when we came out from under the canopy forest I heard an American Woodcock repeating it's call, but there was something else calling in the background. I got the binoculars and searched, it was a gull-like bird with brownish wings. Now that I've identified it, it was a Glaucous x Herring Gull hybrid 1st winter. Next my dad pointed out than a birder behind us was trying to get pictures to get a picture of the woodcock I spotted, I mumbled sarcastically "good luck with that". Of course he didn't get a picture of it. Next I heard a B-bee gun shot, and a goose flew up in a tree! Then I heard it again and flew away. Later I saw a goose NOT walking properly, someone had shot it's wing! WHY DO PEOPLE SHOT BIRDS FOR NO REASON!!! Anyway, we moved on because there was nothing we could do about it. The same birder from before was feeding chickadees and cardinals. That was the end of the trail so we hiked back and drove home.
Total Names of Birds Seen:
Red-winged Blackbird
Northern Cardinal
Black-capped Chickadee
Brown-headed Cowbird
American Crow
Mourning Dove
Purple Finch
Canada Goose
Common Grackle
Glaucous x Herring Gull (Check for Life List)
Ring-billed Gull
Cooper's Hawk (Check for 2009)
Blue Jay
Eastern Meadowlark (Check for 2009)
Northern Parula (Check for 2009)
Feral Pigeon
American Robin
American Tree Sparrow
Chipping sparrow
House Sparrow
Song Sparrow
European Starling
Brown Thrasher (Check for 2009)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Check for 2009)
American Wodcock
Downy Woodpecker
Total Number of Birds Seen: 28 species
That is a great list. What city is the River Bank Trail in??
Stunning list . . . isn't it a little early for those warblers? Wish I had some in my area!
Ruth-River Bank Trail is in Cambridge, Ontario.
mon@rch-Maybe, but not according to David Sibley.
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