Yesterday, I saw two Northern Cardinals. I watched them mate. I also saw a plump Mourning Dove roosting. I have two bird feeders but they only visit the hopper feeder, not the platform feeder. Those Northern Cardinals are very pretty.
Two days ago I saw a flock of tame Black-capped Chickadees.
I want body, soul and spirit and mon@rch to see this blog the most. I have started e-mailing body, soul and and soon I'm going to get in contact with mon@rch.
One time when my dad and I went for a walk we saw Black-capped Chickadees and Downy Woodpeckers.
Red-tailed Hawks, interesting visitor, subspecies abieticola
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *abieticola*
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *borealis*
Map from The Red-tailed Hawk Project
I did the Hawk Migration Association's ...
1 month ago