Here I am going to tell you the full story of these very close up pictures:
It all began when we went out to buy birdseed. There was a variety of choices and we chose a mix seed bag. Then we went home and I made many types of feeders including water bottle feeders. I put the seed in them and they came right away. So I decided to tame them, I brought out all the required birding supplies and I was ready to go. I waited for hours standing with birdseed in my hand. Then finally a very brave chickadee finally came and took some seeds. Since then birds will come to my hand. Including nuthatches. But I couldn't have done it without cousin Ruth buying some birdfeeder parts. Here is a edited video of them on my hand.
Red-tailed Hawks, interesting visitor, subspecies abieticola
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *abieticola*
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *borealis*
Map from The Red-tailed Hawk Project
I did the Hawk Migration Association's ...
1 month ago