Whether there rare or common in your area, the sighting of a cardinal is always joyful. The males very bright red and the females red and brown plumage are both beautiful birds. They live nearly everywhere in eastern and southwestern north america a similar species to the Northern Cardinal is the Pyrrhuloxia otherwise known as the "Arizona cardinal". It also lives in southwestern north america and the male and female look similar to the female Northern Cardinal. Except with less red and more gray. Although they look similar, nobody could mistake a Northern Cardinal with its black mask and its beautiful song "whit whit whit cheer cheer cheer" or "what-a-cheer-cheer-cheer". The Pyrrhuloxia's sounds like "whoooit" or " tikitikitikitik". But both of them have the same call "tick" or chip". Both of birds are beautiful and I hope everyone gets a chance to see both of these beautiful