Last week we went on vacation to New Brunswick. We had lots of fun! We did lots of activities including, visting friends, going to the rocks, going to the beach in Shediac to catch critters. Also, when we came back I noticed some of my fish missing. The following species are missing 1 Columian Tetra, 1 Red Swordtail and our Betta. Unfortunately this means they must be dead, but after years of fishkeeping experience I learned that Bettas can hide in my castle ornament for a week or more. So I'll just have to wait a week to be sure that it is dead. The Tetra that is missing must of been the one that sulks away from the other Tetras. Because all of my Tetras seem to stay in the group. Or it could have been eaten by the lobster, but I would doubt that it died because of poor tank conditions because it seems to be at good water quality. The Swordtail that's missing could have died or eaten alive by my lobster. Altogether I am missing 6 fish including the Zebra Danio and my Mystery Snails, but I know how they died...Lobster!
Red-tailed Hawks, interesting visitor, subspecies abieticola
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *abieticola*
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *borealis*
Map from The Red-tailed Hawk Project
I did the Hawk Migration Association's ...
1 month ago