Friday, April 25, 2008

Mallard Nest

Today as I arrived in Kitchener I first went to the Mallard nest I was told about. At first I thought they were mistaken, but my dad soon shook the bush and it jumped out at him. Then it went back in the bush at a position that I could see it. I took some pictures of it then left it alone because it was probably very stressed after this. I soon went to help my dad unpack the trailer and unfortunately many Brown-headed Cowbirds were feeding at our unfinished bird feeder station. My brother wanted to scare the nest parasites (cowbirds) away but I said there was also many other types of birds there too and the cowbirds usually come back after being flushed. Oh well, despite the nest parasites I am happy to hear Mallards are reproducing. I will soon get some more info ie; when they courted, mated, started and finished the nest and when the female laid the eggs. I will also try to post some close photos of the nest if the female doesn't think I'm a harm to her nest. Maybe while the female is incubating the nest I could get a picture of the male bringing food to the family. Also, I just found out that Mourning Doves have a difference between each gender.