On Thursday November 27, 2008 we drove to the the Toronto Airport and flew to Orlando, Florida then we stayed at the Marriot Hotel. The next morning we had a big breakfast at the hotel while we were eating I spotted many birds out the window, including; bitterns, anis and warblers. After breakfast we went birding at a pond by the hotel and the were domestic and wild waterfowl foraging in the shallow water. Also I spotted a school of large cichlids in the water resting at the surface. Next I saw a Anhinga far in the water swimming in a way that made it look like a snake, this is why its nicknamed the "snakebird". Although everytime I tried to take a picture of it, it would dive underwater for a couple of minutes and come back up in another place so I gave up. Then we went to the mall for Black Friday but it was very busy and we all regreted going there all day but I did see a lizard in the flowers outside the mall. Then we had lunch and we back to the Marriot Hotel and I went birding again in another pond with my dad. We saw egrets, anis and lots of other birds. Unfortunately I accidentaly deleted most of my pictures so we had dinner and went to bed.