This long weekend we went to Point Pelee. This is how it began. Last Friday we drove to Kitchener to renovate. We slept overnight there and on Saturday morning we showed our grandparents how to care for Max and left to go to Point Pelee. It took a long time to get there so we watched "The Sandlot". By the time it was over we were near Point Pelee so we got a bite to eat and arrived at Point Pelee. First we drove to the gates paid the required money to visit and drove off to the Marsh Boardwalk trail. We parked got prepared to bird and started walking. First there was a family of Canada Geese and there was seven goslings. Next we saw some carp and Red-winged Blackbirds were everywhere. Then all of a sudden my dad spotted little green birds in the reeds. None of us could identify them so we kept walking. Ahead of us was a group of birders taking photos of something. We asked them and they were watching Black Terns. We got a couple photos of them and kept walking. Then a lady with a transmitter came to tell us she spotted twelve Fox Snakes. So from then we were on the lookout for Fox Snakes. (Red-winged Blackbirds are still everywhere.) Then the Black Terns came again ecept this time they came very closely perched to us. We could not miss this rare moment and got lots of photos of them. Then all of a sudden Forster's Terns came flying everywhere. And the little green birds came back but this time I noticed yellow on one of their bellies. Still we could not identify it. Next we saw twelve fox snakes and a blue racer and painted turtles. By now we were finished the boardwalk and I went on one of the lookouts to see what I could see. As a mater of fact there was lots of nesting Barn Swallows. We left, took a bathroom break and took the tour bus to the tip trail. The tip is the most southern tip of mainland Canada but there is dangerous currents so no swimming or wading is allowed. It started to rain so we didn't get to see the tip and drove to Point Pelee Inn. We had lots of fun on the water slides and played arcade games. It was soon our bedtime so we went to sleep. To be continued tommorow.
Red-tailed Hawks, interesting visitor, subspecies abieticola
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *abieticola*
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *borealis*
Map from The Red-tailed Hawk Project
I did the Hawk Migration Association's ...
1 month ago