Today my dad and I went birding at Hydro Marsh and Thickson Woods. First we drove to Hydro Marsh. Before we even parked we could hear lots of birds. First we walked in and there were many signs about spirits and other myths. Then we went to a tall canopy forest. First there were some blackbirds, grackles and ducks. Then some geese came along the river by the canopy. But after that we were amazed, there was a group of Buffleheads! I took many pictures of them. Then we kept walking until my dad thought he saw a red Mallard. It was just a regular one though. Then we turned back and there were more grackles and blackbirds. After that a chickadee came to see if we had any food for him. So we went out of the canopy and went into a marsh trail. There we saw a cardinal singing and some icterids displaying. Then on the path ahead of us was a flock of Rufus-sided and Eastern Towhees feeding on seed. We again were amazed. We kept walking and mergansers came in the marsh! Three new birds in one day, wow! So we went off the marsh trail and went over to a trail that was alongside Ontario Lake. There was a Terbine. I didn't realise they were that big until you get up close to one. And further along that trail were robins, blackbirds and people walking their dogs. So we walked back to the truck and we saw our first goldfinches this year. As we were in the truck we heard our first House Finches also. Then as we arrived at Thickson Woods we heard many kinglets. So we parked, got out and started birding. There was another new bird, oh that looks familiar. We saw it at Hydro Marsh and didn't realise to now. Guess what it is.......Its a Song Sparrow! Another new bird. How many new species can a birder see in one day. I mean this is awesome! Oh, and there were some Buffleheads and nuthatches. So we kept on walking and there were Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglets. The golden-crowns were gleaning insects hovering upside down while the ruby-crowns were gleaning right-side-up. So that is......six new species. Who thinks there is even more new birds later on? Well, I assure you there is even more new species after this. So after that we went from the main trail to the forest one. As we walked in tons of birds were singing, I didn't know which one to try to identify first. And then we heard a cardinal, followed the sound and found it high it a Pine Tree. Oh ya I forgot to tell you this is a mixed forest were walking in, so any bird that loves forests could be here. There was also a birder watching something. But we didn't get to see it. After walking for a bit we heard pew pew pew, anyone know what it is. I think its a Canada Warbler. Then we heard a grackle but it was soon interrupted by a loud buzzing, I think it is some type of corvid or icterid. Anyway after that we went to a mixed habitat, if you know what I mean. I mean it was part meadow, part forest and part marsh. Weird, eh? Ya and we thought the swallows would be here by now. But all we saw there were robins and sparrows. Oh, but there was a cardinal displaying. It was so weird to watch. It was bobbing and tilting its head side to side. Sorry, the video I took of it, well I didn't post it because it wouldn't load. Sorry, but It was so cool and maybe a little weird to watch. After that we left. We saw so many new species today! Thank you dad for taking me. And spending time and money for me!