Yesterday Scouts was having a party at Lazer Quest from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. My dad and I started driving at 6:30pm and it wasn't until 7:10pm when we found it. When we came in Scout Leader Phil gave me a Lazer Quest Card so I handed it in for a Lazer Quest Gun Activator. Eventually I found my scout group and one of my friend's friend was there with her sister. Her mouth was as wide as a human mouth could open when she saw me! I wasn't that surprised! Anyway the Lazer Quest Mission was just beginning so we followed the Lazer Quest Marshal for instructions, he explained to us how to play Lazer Quest and all the rules. We entered the room and he gave us all vests and a gun. Then we had 30 seconds to hide until we could begin. Then everyone went crazy, every corner I passed about 10 people shot me about 50 times. That put me in 26th place. The next round I made a team to make it easier (although every individual is suppost to be on their own team. Anyway this time was a lot better, we took corner shots at everyone! Until I turned my back, they ditched me. I went looking for them and a lot creepy things happened then but I won't mention them. But as soon as I found them they shot me about 100 times each! It put my score wwwaaayyy dddooowwwnnn!!! In fact I came in 19th place that time. Although it was fun, I don't trust my friends as much. I was sweating like crazy when we were done because they had no AC in there! Neither did I on the way home...Dad!
Red-tailed Hawks, interesting visitor, subspecies abieticola
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *abieticola*
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *borealis*
Map from The Red-tailed Hawk Project
I did the Hawk Migration Association's ...
1 month ago