Baltimore Orioles have always excited me, the beutiful marking on their feathers or their interesting cup shaped nests. I have seen many orioles here in Kitchener and I found a oriole nest. But in Point Pelee there were orioles everywhere! I will tell about that story later. Anyway, here is some information about orioles you might want to know:
Baltimore Oriole
Icterus galbula
L 8.75" ws 11.5" wt 1.2 0z (33 g)
Shape like Bullock's, but averages slightly smaller.
Some very drab females are difficult to distinguish
from Bullock's.
Voice: Song a short series of rich, clear, whistled
notes pidoo tewdi tewidi yewdi tew tidew; variable in
pattern, with pauses between each phrase; often
gives simple two-note whistle hulee and varia-
tions. Call a dry, harsh, uneven rattle. Flight call
a husky, tinny, trumpeting veet.
Bye, Birdman
Stokes Finch Guide one of Best Bird Books 2024, from American Birding
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