Today when I went outside to feed the pond fish, a loud banging came from the corner of our yard, I soon found out it was a Black Squirrel. It was destroying the bird feeder I had just made after it ate most of the seed! There was also a Eastern Chipmunk that wasn't doing much harm.
There is a skunk or should I say family of skunks living in our neighbours yard. They spray every morning and the smell stays all day. One time they came right in our front yard when my dad was loading his truck for the morning's work. My dad was surprised and a little scared when he noticed them. My dad was blessed that he did not get sprayed.
Even for skunks to come in the front yard with humans and lights on. Well, you just can't predict what an animal will do next.
Red-tailed Hawks, interesting visitor, subspecies abieticola
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *abieticola*
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *borealis*
Map from The Red-tailed Hawk Project
I did the Hawk Migration Association's ...
3 weeks ago