After waking at 8 we got dressed, comb hair, etc. It took us 'till 9 and we had breakfast and arrived at Point Pelee at 10. Then we parked at White Pine and we saw Orchard Orioles and Baltimore Orioles. We started walking at Chinquapin Oak Trail and there was birds everywhere. Including orioles, robins, warblers etc. Then we finished that trail and moved on to the Tilden Woods Trail. Here there was a group of birders watching Cerulean, Yellow and Prothonatary Warblers. Also American Redstarts, Red-breasted Nuthatches and Ruby-crowned Kinglets. I saw all of them accept the redstart. Then my dad saw the Scarlet Tanager. So we went to the Visitor Center and took the tour bus to the Tip Trail. Although we didn't get to see the tip because it was hailing heavily. We took the tour bus back and it was past noon so I finally convinced my parents to take me to the Woodland Nature Trail. We did and as soon as we did Jesse was tired, so Jesse and my dad went to find our van while my mom and I walked. We started walking and another group of birders were looking at something. They showed me and it was a pair of Yellow Warblers building their nest. They told my mom where another nest was and we kept walking. There wasn't much but Baltimore Orioles until we came to the Redbud Footpath. We only walked on it for a few minutes and my mom couldn't take it anymore so we turned back on the Woodland Nature Trail. There we heard a sound like a robin singing very fast and it was... a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. We kept walking for a few minutes after that and we heard a warbler singing all these tones, notes and calls. We had no idea what it was! About twenty minutes after that we saw a male American Redstart singing its lovely song in the dense bush. But it was soon the afternoon and we had to start heading back. We did, picked up Max and went home. That is our Point Pelee Trip in two blog posts. Thank you mom and dad for taking me to Point Pelee National Park. Goodbye, Birdman
Red-tailed Hawks, interesting visitor, subspecies abieticola
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *abieticola*
Red-tailed Hawk subspecies *borealis*
Map from The Red-tailed Hawk Project
I did the Hawk Migration Association's ...
1 month ago