Here is a White-breasted Nuthatch feeding at our backyard feeder.
This weekend I went birding with my cousin Ruth. She picked me up at 9. We drove over to Linear Trail, which is 8kms long. We might have walked about 2 or 3 km of it but we still managed to identify 24 species of birds! Including a rare crossbreed between a Mallard and a Snow Goose. We also saw Cedar Waxwings, European Starlings, Northern Cardinals and lots more. It was very exciting and we were there for 2 and a half hours! After that we went to Ruth's house and had a snack, guess what we saw there........A Red-breasted Nuthatch!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats makes 25 species of birds. Wow the last time I saw that many was at Point Pelee! Anyway, after that we went to the swamp but we only saw Mallards and geese. So we decided to have lunch at Wendy's. Chicken, chicken I love chicken.......Hey, Samuel snap out of it. Oh fine , but here is a secret.................................................................CHICKEN!!! OK I'll stop being silly!
Anyway, I had a great time thank you cousin Ruth!!!!!
I forgot my camera though:-(
The Red-tailed Hawk Project unraveling mysteries of the Red-tailed Hawk
Next time you see a Red-tailed Hawk look twice! Ponder that there are still
mysteries about this common species that when solved will lead us to a
1 day ago
Great Video and sounds like a great time!
mon@rch-Thank you and I had a wonderful time.
This is birdman I have just discovered that the rare duck was actually a common Pekin Duck also known as a Domestic Mallard.
Wow! I really like that video. It posted very well on Blogger. And to think the nuthatch stayed that long on your feeder. We will have to go birding again soon.
How did that Pekin duck get on the Grand River with that wild flock? I didn't think it was albino.
mon@rch-Thank you and I had a wonderful time
birdman-I said they exact same thing. Did you copy me.
anonymous-Oh, so it wasn't a crossbreed. Thank you for the advice.
ruth-Thank you, I really worked hard on taming them. Thats why it stayed so long.
ruth-I don't know how that Pekin Duck got there?
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