Friday, May 23, 2008

Unfortunate Accident

The scene of the crime!
The scene of the crime!

Of course when I said the scene of the crime I was joking, here is the real story. A few days ago I was playing baseball with my friend Corina. She was batter and I was pitcher and I threw a screwball and she didn't swing and it smashed the window. From outside we heard a loud shattering, from inside my parents heard a loud pop. I didn't get in trouble because it was an accident, although I'm just not allowed to play baseball in our front yard. Unfortunately it will cost about $2000 to repair the window and Corina isn't allowed to play baseball with me because her parents think she'll smash a window too. Goodbye, Birdman


Anonymous said...

$2,000!!! Holy smokes! How big was the window! I'm glad you have such nice parents.
~Mrs. Crosby

Ruth said...

We used to play baseball at the park after windows to break. It was an accident, but it is still expensive to fix. I am sure you will always remember this.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is once expensive window! lets hope they find a way to fix it cheeper! Be careful bud and now would be a good time to suck up to the parents!

The Becka said...

O_o Oops...well, at least you didn't get in trouble.