Sunday, April 15, 2007


Today, at church I was learning about the book of Judges in the Bible. We had several quizzes and I got most of them wrong! Boo-whoo. At Sunday school Josiah was very funny but it was distracting also. Anyway, despite the distracting I had a good time and I got some pictures to color. But I left them at church. At the end me and my friends played Star Wars 4 or something like that. They killed me in a fake way.... with a fake sword.


I didn't see too many birds but I wasn't really birdwatching.

My dad is setting up the trampoline. Or WAS. Now he had to stop because it's raining so he is setting up the net now. (road hockey net). We will play road hockey when it stops raining or if it does. The bird of today is the Black-browned Albatross. The chick looks hilarious, or at least the one I see on my calendar.


My mom is starting to get very curious and interested in owls. Although, they are a little scary to my mom. I think she only means the Barn Owl and Great Horned Owl. But she finds the Australian Barred Owl more scary. Not to me!

-Field guides-

If any of you are just beginning birdwatching or want to, I recommend you buying the stokes field guides. If you are a intermediate birdwatcher I recommend you buying the Sibley guide to birds. If you are a advanced birdwatcher I recommend you buying Kenn Kaufman's advanced birding book.
I am glad that mon@rch is reading my blog because his blog is amazing or at least to me.
Now the rain has ended for now so I'm going to play road hockey.


omalois said...

Birdman, tell your mom I tried scaring off pigeons with our fake owl and it worked for about an hour. Does anyone know how to get rid of pigeons?
No rain in AZ... 80 F. & sunny.

Ruth said...

I like the Book Of Judges and enjoy teaching the great stories in Sunday School. I like your swan picture. I really hope to see an owl in the wild someday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words and keep up the great work with this blog!!

The Roother said...

I don't think the owl on the lawn here in AZ is doing a terrific fact, the pigeons seem to be attracted to him, (or her). Actually he gives me a creepy feeling with his beady little eyes following me around the yard!
This morning we saw a bird which I thought at first was a Mourning Dove, then I realized that the only thing the same was the size and was a much more "elegant" looking bird with a long beak and narrow well-groomed tail...what do you think it is birdman? Judges is a great book, but I like the next book even better! tee-hee

Birdman said...

omalois-To get rid of pigeons wait until night when they are roosting and scare them. Then the next day stop puting any birdseed and scare them the next night once again. I think that should work!
body soul spirit-Maby if you go in the woods at late evening, you might see owls.
mon@rch-You're welcome.
the roother-Maby that bird was a Inca Dove.

Zoey said...

Very nice on the field guides.I own none of those but am now on the look out thanks.

serendipity said...

Sam, I really enjoyed the pics. Great job! You have sparked my interest in feeding the birds again.I had stopped as the squirrrels had actually eaten a chunk out of the side of the feeder!

Birdman said...

Hello, Zoey

Maby you should buy the Sibley guide to birds. I think that book will help you a lot with birding.

Birdman said...

Hello, Serenpidity

Do you feed the birds sunflower seed? Try using plastic bird feeders. Are you coming to our house soon?