Very early this morning, before I went to school my dad and I went to Second Marsh Willife Area. At first we saw a Brown Creeper creeping up some trees the old Brown Creeper fashioned way. They do this by flying to the base of one tree and creeping circularly up it and repeating this over and over. Then I started hearing Wood Ducks flying, all of a sudden some Canada Geese flew over and then the Black-capped Chickadees were interested with the cereal I was carrying. So I feed them it and...THEY LOVED IT!!! Infact they loved it so much that they followed me to the van!
Then it happend, we saw beautiful Wood Ducks courting. My dad told me that they were courting. There was chasing and flaping and all this excitment. There was so much noise that it scared the Red-winged Blackbirds into the trees. The chickadees were still there. But soon it would be time for school so we started heading back. On the way back my dad and I saw the Brown Creeper again and a few VERY NOISY Common Grackles. I think they were males. Of course, the Black-capped Chickadees were still begging for food and my dad was getting anxious to get me to school, but we found out we still had some time. And then...
THE CHICKADEE HURT ME wa! wa! wa! no I didn't cry but it HURT!
My dad and I had a good time there and I wasn't late for school...... And now a joke!
Between you and me (not Leah Holmes) she loves the smell of SKUNKS!!!
Put your hand up if you think thats weird. My hand is up and... I hope Leah Holmes does'nt see this blog post :-) :-
The Red-tailed Hawk Project unraveling mysteries of the Red-tailed Hawk
Next time you see a Red-tailed Hawk look twice! Ponder that there are still
mysteries about this common species that when solved will lead us to a
1 day ago
funny skunks stink hehehe
ouch birds peckin you? thats gota hurt
i mean chickadees
Hi Birdman,
Sounds like you had an interesting morning,...What time did you get up? Was it before dawn?
How big were the birds that bit you ?... How"s the weather in the mornings?
Great blog as usual.
Hi Birdman,
That email was not from Oma but me Papa...
I sent it on her computer and it took her emaik...Sorry about that.
This is really me. Sounds like an exciting walk you had with your Dad. There's certainly lots to see. I enjoy reading your blogs.
Good for you getting up so early. I have been looking hard for wood ducks! I have tried to take a picture of a Brown Creeper but it is so hard the way they go round and round and up in the Brown Creeper fashioned way.
You got me laughin' birdman...great blog...sounds like you had an early, entertaining morning with your Dad.
Hey Birdman,
I love reading all about your 'bird adventures', I too am a bird lover but know nothing about them compared to you! I must also add that I'm with Leah on the Skunk thing.....I kinda like their 'stink' too.....weird, huh?? Your Cous, Rosy
Keep writin', your Blog is wonderful!
Hey birdman,
I am truly impressed with your blog. I think I had better start going on nature walks with you and Daddy. Great job!
I hate to say this but...I don't mind the stink of skunks either. I guess I'm as weird as Leah and Rosy:-)
cyclops-actually they clawed me
cyclops-I knew you ment chickadees
omalois-I got up at 6:50am. The birds CLAWED me and they were 6 inches
papajosephc-thats ok papa
body soul and spirit-ha ha the old Brown Creeper fashioned way
Hello, rosy
You like the smell of skunks!?
ha ha ha that is weird
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