This morning we went to Thickson Wildlife Reserve, it had many species of birds including the RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET!!! I was very amazed when I saw it, my mom couldn't take any pictures of it because it was moving very quickly. Then we went to a grassland at that reserve. There I saw Tree Swallows hawking insects. Which was very exciting also. After that we went to the marsh, it had Red-winged Blackbirds, Northern Cardinals and American Robins. Of course the cardinals and robins were beside the marsh not in it. As we headed back to the grassland I heard a mysterious peeping sound, it was coming from in the grass. I didn't see the bird or the nest so I didn't walk in that area. Then the Tree Swallows came again, and I new bird. A flycatcher. I think it was a Great-crested Flycatcher but I wasn't sure. Although it looked a little bit like a robin. Then I heard a Hairy Woodpecker but didn't see it. We then walked further into the woods beside the grassland and my mom heard a cardinal. After that we went to a mini lake in the reserve. I saw some Golden-crowned Kinglets there. And a Great Blue Heron hunting. It was very camouflage. In fact, it was so camouflaged that the busy courting Canada Geese didn't see it. Then a Mallard or Mallard Duck flew very close to us. Soon we had to start heading back. On our way back we went to Thickson Point. It had a HUGE lake by it and it had a bird that looked to be a Shearwater, or a very unusual duck. But then we had to get in the van to go to Lynde Conservation Area. On the way there I studied my bird book.
When we finally got there it started raining. But not to worry because it's the best time to go birding. We saw many waterfowl including the Canada Goose. Then we went to feed the chickadees and we also saw White-throated Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrows, Red-winged Blackbirds and Blue Jays. Then we saw a Downy Woodpecker trying to land on Jesse's hand because he had cereal on his hand.
I just figured something out its a code thing; I will repeat what I said in code: I just figured something ouut its a code.A
Anyway, I have go now so bye.